When you come to Westhill, you'll find our church family is friendly and welcoming. We worship God through a variety of contemporary and traditional songs. Sermons are expositional; they interpret the meaning of a passage, apply its truths, and proclaim the gospel.
We teach the Bible in all of our ministries. We have several small groups to connect people with God and each other through Scripture. Our youth and children's ministries also teach through the Bible to fully equip the next generation to know and serve God.
Come be a part of Westhill Church. We’d love to meet you this week!
1. Is your church part of a denomination?
No. While we partner with other churches in some of our ministries, we are an independent church.
2. What kind of worship style do you have?
We sing hymns and praise songs. For us, worship through singing is a time to remind ourselves of who God is and express our praise for him, regardless of style.
3. What ministries do you have for children?
Nursery Care is provided for babies through 23-months old. Sunday school classes are offered during the Worship Service for 2-year-olds through 6th grades. All our volunteers and teachers are trained in and supplied with age-graded teaching curriculum. Our curriculum covers both Old and New Testaments with the goal of revealing the gospel so that children may come to know God through Jesus Christ and live lives pleasing to Him. Volunteers working with children have passed state and national background checks. Each class has two volunteers and adheres to our child safety policy.
4. How do people dress at your church?
We typically dress casually for the worship service.
5. How old is your church?
Westhill (formerly SeaTac Bible Church) was planted in 1988. Our goal was and is to teach and live out God's word with integrity in the Auburn and Federal Way area. We began meeting at Lakeland Elementary School. After eight years, God blessed us with our current facility. Through our location in the Camelot area, we have built close relationships with our two neighbors, Camelot Elementary and the Homewood Terrace neighborhood.
6. I have questions about your church's beliefs. Where can I learn more?
You can view what we teach here. Feel free to email one of our pastors any questions you have.
7. Why do you have a preaching rotation?
The Bible teaches that elders should be "able to teach" so that they can "exhort in sound doctrine and reprove those who contradict" (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9). Having our elders preach puts that command into action and blesses the congregation.
8. What Bible translation do you use?
Our congregation uses a variety of translations. Our pastors use the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) for preaching.
9. Will I be welcome?
Yes. We would be happy to meet you!
10. What is your worship service like?
Our service usually lasts 60-70 minutes. We begin with a brief welcome, Scripture reading, and prayer. We praise God in song for about 10 minutes. One of our pastors preaches on a Bible passage for 50 minutes. And on the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate the Lord's Supper and have a potluck afterwards. All are welcome to join the potluck!
11. Do I need to bring food to participate in the monthly potluck?
The only requirement for joining our potluck is an appetite.