In Spirit and in Truth
The first thing that comes to mind when I hear these words is John 4:24, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." This verse comes from the discussion between Jesus and a woman at the well in Samaria. They discuss the nature of true worship and Jesus explains how true worship is not tied to a specific location or ritual. Instead, it comes from a genuine connection with God and a result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is based on a genuine understanding of who God is and what He reveals through His Word.
"In Spirit" means that our worship should be directed and led by the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit residing in us that motivates us, leads us, and guides us through our worship of God. "In truth" means that it should speak the truth about who God is. In other words, it should be consistent with and even contain Scripture in it.
Worship today often takes on a more loose interpretation of Scripture with a very casual approach of who God is and in some cases, takes it to a point of heresy and can even contradict what Scripture teaches. Some churches turn their worship services into performances or try to invoke an emotional experience with the hope of bringing the Holy Spirit into their presence. This is just the opposite of what worshipping in spirit and in truth is. It begins with the Holy Spirit who is already present (living in us) and causing us to worship when we acknowledge who God is and why He is worthy of our praise.
I say all of this to help explain some decisions that the elders have made regarding our worship. It was brought to our attention that some of the songs we sing come from publishing companies that are directly affiliated with churches that hold to some teachings that are false and dangerously misleading. Many of you are familiar with these publishing companies and even enjoy listening to their music. Specifically, I'm talking about Hillsong Publishing, Bethel Music, and Elevation Worship.
This may sound confusing to some of you and some may even seem disappointed in hearing this. Let me explain our decision.
First, in order to sing a song from these or any publishing company, we are required to purchase a Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) agreement. This protects us from copyright infringement violations. This also requires us to display the publishing company's name on the screen when we display the lyrics. Every time we sing a song, we report back to the CCLI what song we sang and these publishing companies receive a check. So, every time we sing a song from Hillsong, Bethel or Elevation, they recieve a check on behalf of Westhill Church.
Secondly, it's important to know what these publishing companies are all about and what they represent. There are many articles and information online that explain this in much greater detail. I am just going to highlight some of the major points. By endorsing or singing songs from these companies, we are giving them our stamp of approval and financially supporting what they do and represent; something we take very seriously.
So what's so bad about these companies who want to produce "worship songs"? These companies are affiliated with churches that teach false doctrines and are entangled in deep sin issues.
Hillsong has compromised in the past on their views of homosexuality and gay marriage, which contradicts what Scripture clearly teaches. They also endorse a Health and Welfare Prosperity gospel, and have teachings closely related to the Word of Faith Movement. There have been many complaints by former congregants of financial misconduct, racism, and forms of undue pressure and being taken advantage of when offering their services for free to help the church.
Bethel Church leaders believe in what's called grave soaking, where they lay on the graves of past prominent leaders whose bones possess supernatural spiritual power. By laying on their graves, these special powers are passed on to them. They also teach that we are all inherently good and are referred to as little gods who can achieve and perform miracles that Jesus performed. They even have spiritual healing schools where people can be taught how to miraculously heal others.
Elevation Church believes and teaches modalism: the belief that God is a single person who reveals himself in different modes or forms (as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) rather than as three distinct, coexisting persons, thereby denying the concept of the Trinity. They also hold on to the same Health and Welfare Prosperity gospel that the other false teaching churches believe.
These are just a few of the reasons we chose to no longer sing the songs of these publishing companies. We cannot partner or support organizations that falsely teach who God is and what the Bible teaches. I consider them as wolves in sheep's clothing who can be dangerous and even lethal to the lives of young believers. As shepherds of the flock here at Westhill Church, we cannot and will not endorse or support these false teachers by singing their songs and having funds go toward their ministries. While some of their songs may seem closer to what Scripture teaches, we must remain separate or what Scripture terms holy from these organizations. God warned the Israelites who were about to enter the Promised Land to keep themselves separated from the inhabitants of the land. I'm sure that some of the inhabitants were nice, kind, and seemed like great spouses for their descendants, but intermingling with them caused them to be disobedient to God and ultimately sinned against Him. In a similar way, we enter dangerous territory by intermingling with or supporting these publishing companies.
At the same time, I pray for those who are being misled and pulled into this popular following. The enemy deceives and will try to draw many away from Christ. I fully believe that God will care for and keep those He has redeemed through Jesus Christ.
It is our responsibility, obligation, and heart's desire to teach, lead, and protect the flock here at Westhill Church in the way that Scripture teaches.
Pastor Bryan