weekly word – 6/06/24

Oh No!


           Today I have a personal story of how God works in my life. I hope that He does the same for you.
           Sunday evening Guyla, Jordan and I were sitting at the table after finishing dinner, and as I was talking, making a point using my hands, I realized that the wedding band that I have had on my finger for so many years was not there.

       The questions began!

  • Where is my ring?
  • When was the last time I noticed it on my finger?
  • What was I doing that would have caused it to slip off?
  • Was it really that loose?
  • Where was I when it came off?

           None of the questions brought answers. They only served to cause me to panic. I’ve had that ring since the day we were married. It’s a symbol of my love and commitment to Guyla. It’s a show to the world that I have made a commitment to her for life. 

           I love my wife, she’s a different breed of cat. She immediately came to me and said that it was okay, that we would either find it or we would replace it. Great….  but I really wanted the original. It’s not as “pretty” as a new one, but all the wear marks and scratches are reminders of the many years that we have been together; the fun, the trials, the problems, the tears, and the joy that we have experienced are represented in that worn ring.

           Well, where do I go from here? I have no clue as to the logical way to solve my problem.

           Problem solving 101: Ask: What, where, when, why, who and how? Sure, but I didn’t get any answers. 

            Ed, “What about “Prayer?”   Oh Yeah! 

           Well, I did pray. I spent time talking to God and asking Him to show me where it was. I have to admit that I felt better about things, but I didn’t get any answer to my prayer.  Sunday evening as we went to bed, I prayed again about it and put it in His hands. 

           So -- Monday morning.  I’m supposed to tell you that God came through and I knew where my ring was and went out and found it.  Uh Huh? Nope.  It didn’t happen. I still had no clue as to the where or when stuff. I prayed again and waited for His answer. Maybe there won’t be one. Maybe I’m supposed to get a new one. 

           Well, that day l had a huge project to work on in the garage. We had just picked up a new freezer, and had to rearrange the garage, transfer the stuff to the new one, get the old one out, and take it to the recycle place. The ring would have to wait. The garage door was up, and we were in the middle of the project when a man came up the driveway with his dog. I had seen him before as he walks his dog every evening by our house.

           I stepped out to say hello and see what he wanted, or if he had a problem. He said, “Hello”, and then said, “Did you lose a ring in the last few days?” I looked at him with a blank look, I’m sure. I told him, “Yes.” He then explained that he was walking up the sidewalk several days ago with his dog, and lying right by the edge of the grass was this ring.  He pulled a ring out of his pocket and said, “Is this the one you lost?”, and handed me my wedding band.  He said that he kept it in his pocket until he found us at home, because he wanted to return it to me.


           I thanked him profusely. When he left, I said, “Thank You” to God for His answer to my prayers.

           I have since taken it to a jeweler to have it resized, so I will not lose it again. 

           So, what, besides a cool story, did I learn from this? I learned, again, that we have an “Awesome God”. And like my relationship with my wife that is so special, then losing the ring that I wear that reminds me of her when she’s not around, and the feelings it caused when I lost it, caused me to reflect on the relationship that I have with my Lord. My relationship with Him is even more precious than the relationship with Guyla. I don’t wear a wedding band on my finger to remind me of my relationship with Him. But I remember that He is with me all the time, that He lives within me through the Holy Spirit, and I must ask, am I honoring that through my actions and the way I present myself to the world?

           Thoughts to ponder.

           Like my ring is a notice to the world that I have a special relationship with my wife, my actions and lifestyle should reflect my relationship with Him. Are you walking in the light of Galatians 5: 22-23a:  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control?

Ed Johanson